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Weight Watchers – “If It Fits Your Macros”

Over the years of servicing clients and helping them reach their health and fitness goals, I’ve learned that I can’t help everybody. That’s one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned.

Some individuals prefer to avoid learning the necessary skills to achieve their weight loss goals because it is too difficult. In some cases, individuals rely heavily on flawed systems.

Not Bad to Start

Weight Watchers has a great way to track accountability. Their system had good intentions, but IMHO could be better. I have yet to work with a single client or meet a prospective client that achieved long-term weight loss with their system.

I’ve met only one person who achieved successful weight loss that used the Weight Watchers system. Their long-term success was because they abandoned the Weight Watchers system altogether. They learned that not all foods are created equal, how to eat, and what to eat for continued success.

The Points System

Have you ever heard the saying, “If it fits your macros”? It’s a dietary strategy based on the idea that you can eat whatever you want. As long as what you eat fits your macronutrient targets, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates, then it’s all good. Though, this is a strategy used mainly with physique athletes.

Similar to “If It Fits Your Macros,” the “point” system justifies eating unhealthy food if there are enough “points” in the day. Weight Watchers was one of the first to develop this type of system, founded in 1963.

This approach is okay if done correctly. The following is an example of when not done correctly.

So if you have enough “points” left at the end of the day, you can have that doughnut that was staring at you all day at the office. That would be the ideal scenario.

We all have cravings, but let’s say it plays out a little differently.

You had a bagel, coffee, and a delicious and far-from-nutritious pastry for breakfast. After tallying up your points, you realize you only have enough left to eat celery and air for the rest of the day. Not good and needs improvement.

Weight Loss at a High Price

Starving yourself because you don’t have enough “points” remaining is asinine. Some people on Weight Watchers do this, and I’m talking from my professional experience working with people who have used Weight Watchers. This is something that I don’t tolerate with clients and is non-negotiable for anyone who chooses to work with me.

Many people have lost weight with Weight Watchers, and good on them; it’s great for business. In many cases, the weight loss is only for a short time—a year or two at best.

Unfortunately, the way that the weight is lost is usually at the expense of muscle. And if you’re a woman over 40, muscle is one of the most important things for your health. So I implore you not drastically cut calories to be in a caloric deficit. Sure, it will get you to your weight loss goal, and you’ll look great in clothes but resemble a melted birthday candle when naked.


Sometimes it’s difficult to convince someone to try a different approach to weight loss. The initial temporary weight loss at the beginning of Weight Watchers builds loyalty; as mentioned before, it’s good business.

“I need to get back on Weight Watchers” was something I heard a lot.

And I heard this from people who didn’t want to try a different approach and learn good eating habits.

So when a gym member or client would tell me they’re considering returning to Weight Watchers, I would ask, “How well did that work for you the last time”?

They would think about it and say, “It worked well, and I lost a lot of weight,” I would respond, “And here we are.”

Through many consultations, I learned that after all that time spent at Weight Watchers, they didn’t learn the difference between low-glycemic carbs vs. high-glycemic carbs, which is one of the many things I teach my clients early on.

Not a Diet, a Lifestyle

Diets are bull$#!+ because they are temporary and Weight Watchers is a diet. If you want to lose weight at all costs, you could get held up in a POW camp. I’m sure the fat would melt right off, and soon after, so will the beautiful muscle you need for tone and definition.

Any diet can work for a short duration because it creates a caloric deficit by restricting food. Weight Watchers “point” system does just that, except you can justify having more low-quality food. Provided you’re willing to sacrifice a meal or two later.

One example is having a pastry, about 7 points, give or take, rather than having a meal of similar value. Like lean meat, ½ cup of brown rice, and all the veggies anyone could handle.

Typically after a few choices like that, there would only be enough points for a salad at dinner. The better option would be to eat the meal; if you still want that pastry, go ahead and have it.

Learning is Fundamental

The problem I found working with people on Weight Watchers was that they have no idea what “healthy” eating is. A few can tell the difference between a protein and a carb, but that’s it.

After Weight Watchers, some will continue to struggle with their weight, all because they haven’t learned what and how to eat specifically for them.

The Next Step

The first thing you should do before anything else is set a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goal for yourself.

You must accept where you are today and understand that you must make changes that you might not like the changes at the beginning.

The next thing, which may be obscure, is learning what and how to eat specifically for you. You will need to learn about macronutrients, portion control, etc.

For long-term results, you have to know all these things. Ask anybody who has had success for years, and they’ll tell you.

There are a few more things, but it’s enough to get you on the right track and break free from diets.

How I Can Help

Precision Nutrition created the 5-habits cheat sheet, and I teach my clients the five habits. It’s easy to understand, learn and implement.

After you print out the cheat sheet, you can put it on your fridge, cut it out, and put it into your purse or wallet for later reference. Like when you are out having a meal at a restaurant or preparing one at home.

I have seen more long-term success with clients following the principles of Precision Nutrition than any diet, in conjunction with accountability. This simple approach consistently gets my clients to achieve their weight loss goals without counting calories.

You can download my version of the 5-habits cheat sheet HERE, which is the same as Precision Nutrition, and I take no credit for it.

If you want to take control and achieve lifelong, sustainable weight loss, Darryl Rose Fitness can help.

My personal training programs teach principles of nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle. I will train you to get results, fit beautifully into your clothes, and help you feel good.

If you find this article helpful, please share it with somebody who may benefit.

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